Calculate and Compare Fuel Contract Prices
Easily capture index prices, set up fuel supplier contracts and automatically calculate and compare any contract price directly to other prices for an instant view of the best purchasing price using Axxis ContractRite.
The ContractRite module provides for easy set up and automatic calculation of benchmarked prices (OPIS, Platts, etc.), basket pricing focused on a subset of supplier pricing and other formula-based contract or non-contract pricing, for side-by-side comparison with rack prices. It can be utilized either as a stand-alone module or as a plug-in with the Price Management software.
Keep track of contract administrative information including contract start and end dates and volumes on a daily, weekly monthly and annual basis. ContractRite can also calculate contracts using dynamic RINs values for further best buy utilization.
As an added value, through integration with the TransactionRite delivery and BOL information, ContractRite tracks and analyzes actual fuel contract volume performance on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis as compared to the established volume thresholds.

- Easy set up of contract information including terms, volume requirements and renewal date
- Streamlined configuration of complex contract and non–contract price calculation using built-in formula templates including benchmark basis indexing, lowest of basket, highest of basket, basket average and “best of” pricing
- Centralized contract administration with supplier information, terms and conditions and renewal management
- Daily, weekly, monthly and annual volume requirements set up
- Contract calculations using dynamic RINs values
- Automated up-to-date contract performance reporting through integration with TransactionRite