Collect, Normalize and Compare Fuel Prices
Price Management, the core module of the software suite, automates the collection, normalization and assembly of rack, spot and other pricing data from various suppliers. Easily compare prices and ensure visibility of all purchasing options for true best buy analysis.
The Price Management Laid-In add-on module evaluates gross, net, and “laid-in” (delivered) prices and provides total fuel cost calculations. It eliminates the guesswork when determining the best price for daily supplier pickup locations.
Axxis offers a temperature correction add-on module for determining gross versus net gallon pricing. This functionality assists with fuel sourcing and margin optimization.
Axxis Alerts, another Price Management add-on, notifies users when supplier prices have changed based on pre-determined parameters. Alerts can be delivered by email or directly to the desktop application.

- Automatic parsing, normalization and assembly of supplier price data files including all seasonal changes, supplier terminals changes or any other market changes
- Best buy ranking lists for supplier/pick-up location and choice of gross, net and laid-in/delivered prices
- Integrated laid-in price calculation module with carrier and freight tables for true cost alternatives by site after factoring in taxes, freight and fees
- Customizable Axxis Alerts – select the criteria for when alerts are to be sent, based on price changes
- Provides graphical historical comparative price analysis
- Dispatch reports for both internal and 3rd party carriers
- Optional temperature correction calculation add-on module
- Outage tracking and management
- Back office integration with PDI, DM2, FireStream, Factor, ADD Systems and many other accounting and fuel software systems